Case Studies & Resources

Guide to Subsea Lighting
As experts in subsea imaging, we have a few tips to help you understand underwater lighting and how to pick the option that is right for you.

Deep Sea Discovery Reveals More on Climate Change
A collaboration among the University of Haifa’s Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, the Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and the Inter-University Institute of Marine Research uncovered a habitat hotspot!

Subsea camera enables remote real-time and long-term monitoring of seafloor as part of ocean observatory initiative
For the longest time in Newfoundland and Labrador, much of our ocean research has been conducted using surface buoys and sea-going vessels.

SubC Stories: Hydrothermal Vent Digital Stills Time-Lapse
The Ocean Observatories Initiative, in partnership with the University of Washington, have been using SubC’s ocean observatory system to capture high-resolution digital stills since August 2020.

子 C 故事: 使用 SubC 成像的 Rayfin 智慧相機拍攝的大西洋鱈魚
SubC的所有者來自捕魚家庭,他們的父親是活躍在岸上的漁民。SubC 相信可持續漁業,並且正在與創新型公司交談,這些公司的目標是創造新技術,在不接觸海底的情況下有效捕撈魚類。

自主管道檢測使用 SubC 成像的光線卡攝像機
為了使管道檢查更輕鬆、更經濟高效,來自泰國 HiveGround 的團隊在 AI & 機器人投資公司 (ARV) 發起的一個專案下,從零開始設計了一款自主水下飛行器 (AUV)。Xplorer AUV 解決方案有望很快推出,HiveGround 將尋找商業專案。