
雖然每個 SubC 系統都是為客戶定製的,但問的很多問題往往相似,比如深海照明水準的最佳設置是什麼?這就是為什麼我們自豪地介紹 SubC 網路研討會。

This ongoing series of educational, online videos bolsters our core value of delivering excellent customer support. These free webinars will focus on a range of topics, starting with the fundamentals of our subsea imaging systems. Then future webinars will delve into complex topics such as advanced data processing and more. It’s our goal to provide the research community with easy to understand answers that are publicly available to everyone.

Webinar 10
SubC Tech Talk: How to Get Better Inspection Data in Half the Time

From inconsistent image quality to time-consuming post-processing and complex hardware-software integration, Chad will show how SubC’s integrated solutions are designed to solve these challenges and improve overall data quality and inspection efficiency.



Webinar 9
Next-Gen Inspection Technology for Offshore Digitalization

VP of Software, Adam Rowe, explores the latest advancements in SubC Imaging technology and its transformative role in offshore digitalization. From streamlining visual inspections to facilitating instant data access, discover how these innovations are reshaping offshore visual surveys and inspections.



Webinar 8
Into the Deep with SubC: The Tech Behind the Hunt for the Colossal Squid

In this webinar from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, we delve into the technology behind the historic mission to find and film the elusive colossal squid. The webinar showcases SubC Imaging's innovative systems designed to capture footage of the world's largest invertebrate in its natural habitat. Plus we unveil captivating video from the inaugural deployments.



Webinar 7
New Remote Operations Technologies for Ocean Sciences, Offshore Energy, and More

In this webinar from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, SubC CEO & Camera System Manager, Chad Collett, and VP of Software, Adam Rowe discuss the essential technologies being developed to support the shift to remote operations for ocean sciences, offshore energy, and other maritime industries.  



Webinar 6
How to Improve Your Underwater Photos & Videos: A Guide for Oceanographers, Marine Biologists & Researchers

In this webinar from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, Chad Collett, Founder & CEO of SubC Imaging reviews some of the fundamentals of underwater photography, with the goal of helping you be more prepared to make that next big discovery and collect high-quality survey data.



Webinar 5
Innovations in Seafloor Mapping Through Customer Collaboration: A Tow Camera System Case Study

In this webinar from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, SubC Imaging Founder & CEO Chad Collett will discuss how collaboration with the Fisheries and Marine Institute and the Government of Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans led to SubC’s newest innovation for mapping and imaging the seafloor: the Tow Camera System.



Webinar 4
Live Demonstration of the Rayfin 4K Camera

In this webinar from Ocean Business 2021, SubC Imaging’s Customer Success Manager, Marcus Morrissey conducts a demo of the SubC Rayfin camera and software capabilities.



Webinar 3
Ocean Observatory System

In this webinar from Scripps Institute of Oceanography, SubC Imaging’s Founder and CEO, Chad Collett conducts a demo of an observatory system that is using a SubC Rayfin camera.



網路研討會 2

2020 年 6 月 9 日,創始人兼首席執行官 Chad Collett 在 BlueTech 博覽會上舉辦「海洋科學成像解決方案」網路研討會,演示了 SubC 成像解決方案如何降低您的成本和複雜性,從而極大地改善您的下一個海底專案。



網路研討會 1

在 Oi Connect 2020 的本次網路研討會中,我們展示了使用水下可程式設計攝像機系統編寫腳本的優勢。在演示了軟體的實際應用后,我們分享了一些客戶使用此功能的真實示例,以及他們獲得的令人驚歎的素材。


Download our Guide to Subsea Photography


Case Studies


As leaders in our field, our goal is to provide complete imaging systems to the Ocean Science Community. If you would like to learn more about our subsea technologies, reach out to us. Our experts look forward to meeting and walking you through how our products can help to advance your research.