SubC Imaging’s subsea cameras and equipment have been used to produce sound science to ensure healthy and sustainable aquatic ecosystems for many years
Bamboo coral, an important environmental indicator in terms of long-term client change studies, were observed during the deployment
With SubC equipment aiding sound science, researchers were able to start to fill some important LSFA data gaps on the characterization of mesopelagic fish, demersal fish and benthic community ecosystems
SubC 成像公司與加拿大漁業和海洋部 (DFO) 合作的歷史悠久。子委員會和DFO的主要目標都側重於保護我們的水域和支援海洋和漁業部門的經濟增長。多年來,SubC 成像的海底攝像機和設備一直用於製作健全的科學,以確保健康和可持續的水生生態系統。
SubC 的 自主海底攝像機解決方案 用於 DFO 對拉布拉多海疆區 (LSFA) 的生物物理和生態表徵。LSFA的現有數據證實,該地區支援遷徙海洋哺乳動物和魚類全年使用。許多居民是保護關注的物種,而另一些居民對人為干擾非常敏感。在這項研究時,現有數據非常有限。
Cutting Edge Equipment from SubC Imaging
SubC’s autonomous subsea camera solution consisted of a camera recording HD video for time lapse and high-resolution digital stills using LEDs mounted on a bait trap. The camera was programmable and the solution was powered by a battery system drawing very little power. This allowed for long deployments at sea to capture more data without the need for real-time control. Large amounts of data needed to be collected as the area was poorly understood and important ecosystem characterizations had to be observed before conservation objectives could be recommended.
借助 SubC 設備輔助聲音科學,研究人員能夠開始填補一些重要的 LSFA 資料空白,這些資料空白用於中底魚、底魚和底底魚類社區生態系統的表徵。
在 DFO 拍攝的影片中,您可以看到脆星 (Ophiurida) 和蝦 (Caridea) 在深度超過 2,000 公尺的存在。有2000多種脆星,其中一半以上是在深水中發現的,超過200米深。
Observing Climate Change Indicators
Cost Effective Solutions
Conducting research in the harsh Labrador environment can be difficult. When working with a limited budget, it's vital to have the right equipment that will capture the best data possible. SubC Imaging’s autonomous camera solution reduces interface complexity and allows for the elimination of expensive cabling and infrastructure as it can be deployed on a simple wire winch. SubC’s 4K and HD subsea cameras supply power while the scripting feature allows the camera to operate independently without requiring an additional computer (or person) to send commands on a schedule.
在下面的參考文獻中閱讀有關 DFO 不可思議的發現的詳細資訊:
引文: 科特, D., 赫格蘭, K., 魯爾, S., 羅伯遜, G., 菲菲爾德, D., 瓦勒姆, V., 科爾本, E., 梅萊特, G., 迪瓦恩, B. 朝聖者, L., 漂亮, C., 勒科雷, N., 勞森, J. W., 富恩特斯 - 亞科, C. 和默西爾, A. 2019. 拉布拉多海疆區生物物理和生態成分概述。德福 · 可以. 科學. 阿德維斯.第2018/067號檔。v = 59 p.
維琪百科 - 布裡特 斯塔HTTPs://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brittle_star